CLI Notebook

This page contains command-line snippets I use often. It relies on the aliases mentioned at the end of Kubernetes Environment Setup.


See which pods are running in the current context's namespace:

kc get pods

... and in all namespaces:

kc get pods -A
kc get pods --all-namespaces

Get services for a given namespace:

kc --namespace ingress get services

Get a shell in a running pod (assumes one container):

kc exec -ti pod-name -- sh

Apply a k8s YAML object to the system (= install or change something):

kc apply -f ./prometheus.service-ingress.yaml

Delete a k8s YAML object from the system (= uninstall something):

kc delete -f ./prometheus.service-ingress.yaml

Apply all the files in a directory:

kc apply -f <directory>
kc apply -f .
kc apply -f . --recursive # => Descend and apply

... and the opposite:

kc delete -f <directory>

Run (and stop) a bare container (not described by a service - will not be restarted by the API server etc.):

kc run -ti ubuntu --image ubuntu:latest # => terminal, interactive
kc run -ti ubuntu --rm --image ubuntu:latest # => terminal, interactive, delete on exit
kc run ubuntu --image ubuntu:latest # => Daemon
kc delete pod ubuntu

Get logs for a container:

kc logs ubuntu
kc logs -f ubuntu # => follow


Install an application into a namespace using a helm chart and a values file:

helm install prometheus-monitoring --namespace monitoring -f  values.yaml prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack

Use values.yaml with a Helm chart and render the generated output (but don't apply it):

helm template -f values.yaml release-name chart | less

Upgrade a chart already in k8s (to reflect changes to values.yaml)

helm upgrade release-name --namespace ns -f values.yaml chart

See what charts are installed:

helm list # => Current namespace
helm list -A # => All namespaces